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Rationally Coaching U5/U6

(From "Jeff Pill's Online Drills" at http://eteamz.active.com/soccer/pills/u-8.htm.)

It is important to understand at the outset that players coming to any sport prior to the age of 6 years old, in general, do not do so by their own choice. As a result, their coaches need to give them something about which to get excited. Further, at this age, learning to play soccer is secondary to most other things in their lives.

With the above assumptions, lets look at some things that we can do to energize the U-6 players, and, hopefully, get them to the point where they will enthusiastically initiate the sign up for next year!

  • Each session should be geared around touching the ball as many times as possible. Involve the ball in as many activities as possible. Basic movements such as running, skipping, hopping, etc. need to be emphasized. If these can be done while kicking, catching, rolling, or dribbling a ball... all the better!
  • Training should not last for more than one hour. This is primarily due to physical fatigue and attention span considerations. Train once or twice a week. Any more than this may lead to their and your burnout.
  • Have as many different kinds of activities ready as you can get into one hour. Emphasis needs to be placed on what is FUN!.
  • Every player should bring his or her own size #3 ball.
  • Remember, although they may have very similar in birthdates, their physical and / or mental maturity may vary as much as 36 months. Activities need to accommodate these individual differences whenever possible.
  • Team play and passing is an alien concept to these players. They know that if they pass the ball, they may never get it back. In fact, they often will steal it from their own teammates. Do not get uptight if they do not pass, let them dribble to their heart's content.
  • Plan for at least four 90 second drink breaks, especially in warmer weather. Their "cooling system" is not as efficient as in older players.